Novel Veterinary Surgical & Therapeutic Products

Animal Health Innovations represents the latest, most advanced veterinary surgical devices and therapeutic products. We provide veterinary practices and animal owners alike with tools to serve their needs at the highest levels of performance.

We proudly partner with companies who develop cutting-edge offerings designed to improve the health and wellness of equine athletes and companion animals alike.


Enabling procedural efficiencies and surgeon convenience in veterinary medicine.

Terason uSmart ® 3200T NexGen Ultrasound System

Introducing a NEW Ultrasound Imaging Platform giving Veterinary Neurosurgeons Visual Access into the Brain & Spine Below the Operative Surface.

Plasma Bionics
V10 Air Plasma Sterilizer

The V10 Air Plasma Sterilizer uses just air and electricity to safely and easily sterilize critical veterinary instruments at least 3 times faster than ethylene oxide, increasing productivity and throughput.

EQ Press™

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